Chai, Chess, and Moonshine
Parshas Naso 5783

India is a vast and complicated country. Its 1.4 billion citizens, the world’s largest population, are spread out over 1.2 million square miles, with terrains ranging from the Himalayan Mountains, to the Indian Ocean coastline, the Thar Desert, the rainforests…

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Parshas Naso 5783

Let’s Be Real
Parhas Behar Bechukosai

Cognitive dissonance hung heavy in the humid air. The people of Maranello, Italy were unsettled. A fire-engine red Ferrari had been driving through town all morning causing quite a racket. Usually, the snarling growl of a Ferrari didn’t bother the people…

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Parhas Behar Bechukosai

Where the Sausage is Made
Parshat Acharei Mot – Kedoshim 5783

Some would almost call it a lobbyist hobby, arguing over the best restaurants in DC. When you take people out for breakfast lunch and dinner, food becomes a pretty obsessive topic of conversation. Young lobbyists can spend hours discussing who…

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Parshat Acharei Mot – Kedoshim 5783

When can I schedule your surgery?
Parsha Tzav – Shabbat Hagadol 5783

It all started with carpal tunnel. In the modern world, where more people spend their days typing on a keyboard than wielding a hammer or ax, our bodies are being subjected to pressures and repetitive motions that they are not…

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Parsha Tzav – Shabbat Hagadol 5783

Lessons from a Toddler
Parshat Vayikra 5783

Due to the Pre-Pesach busyness, I’m sending out a repeat this week. And while it was written long ago, the message still rings true and clear, so I hope you enjoy! Have a Great Shabbos! Grapes are pretty cool. Small…

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Parshat Vayikra 5783