Yitro, the person for whom this week’s portion is named, should have been the very last person in the world to have a portion in the Torah named for him. After all, he spent most of his life serving idols. And not only did he serve every idol that he could get his hands on,
Jim Spinnock turned the corner, and headed down Slade toward his favorite Starbucks. Nothing put a little fire in his belly like a cup of piping hot Colombian magic. Like almost every day of every workweek, his friend Frank DeMott was coming out just as he was going in. And like almost every day of
This Shabbat we read the Torah portion ofבשלח (Beshalach). Denoted שבת שירה (Shabbat Shira),the “Shabbat of the Song,” this portion contains the song that the Jewish people sang to Hashem in appreciation for the salvation that they experienced from the pursuing Egyptian army at the Reed (not “Red,” as is commonly translated) Sea. The word
The Egyptians have suffered through seven of the ten plagues, and after three more they will send the Jewish people out of Egypt. The time has come to prepare the Jewish people for the holiday of Pesach. They will need to bring the Pascal lamb and bake מצות – matzot,for the upcoming seder, the night
Encounters | Mrs. Sara Aliza Scheinberg Print this article
Me Time | Mrs. Racheli Indig Print this article