Parshas Chukas 5784

This week’s portion, Chukat, relates the incident for which Moshe and Aharon were punished and not permitted to enter the promised land, Israel.               Just as they were about to enter the Land of Israel, the Jewish people’s water supply…

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Parshat Chukat 5782

Parshat Chukat תשפ"ב  This week’s Torah reading is Chukat (that word, in the construct state, has the literal translation of “the edict of”). The portion begins with the words, זֹאת חֻקַּת הַתּוֹרָה - This is the edictחק) -chok) of the Torah, implying that it is the ultimate edict of all…

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Parsha Chukat 5781

Parshat Chukat תשפא In this week’s portion’s final two chapters , the Jewish nation is attacked by the world’s two most powerful leaders, Sichon, King of the Emori, and Og, king of Bashan, whom the Jews handily defeat. When the Jewish people merely asked Sichon…

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Parshat Chukat 5780

Parshat Chukat תשפ  This week’s Torah reading is the double portion of Chukat and Balak. This essay, however, discusses only Chukat, the literal translation of which is “the edict of,” and, in context, “This is the edictחק)  ) of the…

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