Parshat Tazria Metzora 5783

Tazriah – Metzorah תשפג This coming Shabbat, two portions will be read in Shul. The main topic of these two portions is the “metzorah,” one who is stricken with the malady -צרעת  “tzaraat” (or tzaraas). The usual translation of tzaraat is leprosy, a translation that…

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Tazriah – Metzorah 5781

Tazriah - Metzorah תשפא This week’s Torah portions are replete with references to the concepts of טומאה  - tumah and טהרה  – tahara, what we call “spiritually unclean and spiritually clean.” These concepts have no parallel in the secular world,…

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Tazriah – Metzorah

Tazriah – Metzorah  תשפ This coming Shabbat, two portions will be read in Shul (that is, if there were services). The main topic of these two portions is the “metzorah,” one who was stricken with the malady -צרעת  “tzaraat” (or…

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