Parshat Shlach 5783

Parshas Shlach This week’s Torah portion’s concluding paragraph (Numbers 15:37-41) commands us to affix tzizit (“fringes”)to most four-cornered garments that men wear. The commandment is fulfilled by wearing theטלית קטן , a “small tallit,” or what we call tzizit or…

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Parsha Shelach 5782

Shelach תשפא             Just twenty days shy of a year from the Jewish people’s arrival at Mount Sinai, they began their journey to the promised land, Israel. During that time, the nation had received the Torah, built the Tabernacle, and each tribe…

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Parshat Shelach 5781

Shelach תשפא             Just twenty days shy of a year from the Jewish people’s arrival at Mount Sinai, they began their journey to the promised land, Israel. During that time, the nation had received the Torah, built the Tabernacle, and each tribe…

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