Don’t Be Average
Parshas Shelach 5783

Hello Everybody, Above Average; n., adj., The state of being better than usual, something that is functioning at a higher rate of performance than similar things at a similar time, an unexpected level of success, Harvard students, NBA players, hedge fund manager’s…

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Parshas Shelach 5783

Parshat Shlach 5783

Parshas Shlach This week’s Torah portion’s concluding paragraph (Numbers 15:37-41) commands us to affix tzizit (“fringes”)to most four-cornered garments that men wear. The commandment is fulfilled by wearing theטלית קטן , a “small tallit,” or what we call tzizit or…

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The Richest Country in the world that you never heard of!
Parshat Shelach 5782

If you’re like 99% of the world, you’ve never heard of Nauru. That is because the Republic of Nauru is a tiny country with only .00014% of the world population! Naura is the third smallest country in the world, only…

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Parshat Shelach 5782

Parsha Shelach 5782

Shelach תשפא             Just twenty days shy of a year from the Jewish people’s arrival at Mount Sinai, they began their journey to the promised land, Israel. During that time, the nation had received the Torah, built the Tabernacle, and each tribe…

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Parshat Shelach 5781

Shelach תשפא             Just twenty days shy of a year from the Jewish people’s arrival at Mount Sinai, they began their journey to the promised land, Israel. During that time, the nation had received the Torah, built the Tabernacle, and each tribe…

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I Can’t Get Him Out of My Tires
Parshat Shelach 5779

Traveling to the Amazonian jungle in the mid-1800 was dangerous and harrowing. Bringing your entire mishpacha with you would either be described as blindly optimistic or just plain foolish. But when Henry Wickham decamped from England to build a plantation…

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Parshat Shelach 5779