Parshat Behar 5784

The mitzvah to count the Omer (namely, to count the 49 days between Pesach and Shavuot) was in last week’s portion, Emor. These seven weeks of preparation lead us to the great day of Shavuot when we will receive the…

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Parshat Behar 5782

Behar תשפ"ב The first verse in this week’s parsha, Behar (Leviticus 25:1), begins in a peculiar way. א) וַיְדַבֵּר יְדֹוָד אֶל משֶׁה בְּהַר סִינַי לֵאמֹר                 1) And Hashem spoke to Moshe on Mount Sinai saying. Why, here, does the…

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Behar Bechukotai

Bahar – Bechukotai תשפ In Parshat Bechukotai (the second of the two portions that should be read if there were Shul this week), Hashem promises the Jewish people that if they keep His commandments, they will receive every blessing in…

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