Parhas Balak 5784

This week’s portion, Balak, introduces us to בלעם  - Bilaam, history’s only legitimate non-Jewish prophet. Although many others claim to have had a prophecy (and, hence, so many religions in the world), they are all impostors, for after Bilaam misused…

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Parsha Balak 5782

Balak תשפב When travelling by plane, it is customary to acknowledge your seat-mate when taking your seat, and maybe to say a word or two as you deplane. Conversation between seat-mates during flight is uncommon, perhaps, because people have come to…

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Parshat Balak 5781

Balak תשפא This week’s portion, Balak, introduces us to בלעם  - Bilaam, history’s only legitimate non-Jewish prophet. The information he conveyed via his prophecy was straight from Hashem. It is remarkable to know that Bilaam’s prophecy was the same high-level prophecy as Moshe Rabbeinu’s!…

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