Parshas Shemini 5784

Parshat Shemini תשפד I was once asked, “Rabbi, you say that Judaism is the only true religion; the Christians say that Christianity is, and the Moslems say that Islam is! How do you know you are right?” I would like…

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Parshat Shemini 5782

Shemini תשפב Despite its many “stories,” the Torah is not a story book; their inclusion comes to teach us many important lessons. Often, the lesson is obvious, while sometimes it is deep beneath the surface. One of the most difficult…

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Parshat Shmini 5779

Shemini תשע"ט Despite its many “stories,” the Torah is not a story book, their inclusion coming to teach us many important lessons. Often, the lesson is obvious, while sometimes it is deep beneath the surface. One of the most difficult…

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