You’ve been invaded
Parshas Devarim – Tisha Ba’av

Some states, like California or Texas, seem to have it all; glamour, big business, large populations, beautiful nature, national and international recognition, and lots of things to do. Other states, like Iowa or Idaho, seem to have none of it,…

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Parshas Devarim – Tisha Ba’av

How Much Garbage Do You Drop?
Parshas Matos-Masei 5783

 Let’s talk trash for a moment. It’s one of the few things that American do exceptionally well. The world will throw out 2.6 trillion pounds of garbage this year (here’s a visual to help you grasp that: 2,600,000,000,000 pounds!), and…

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Parshas Matos-Masei 5783

Don’t Be Average
Parshas Shelach 5783

Hello Everybody, Above Average; n., adj., The state of being better than usual, something that is functioning at a higher rate of performance than similar things at a similar time, an unexpected level of success, Harvard students, NBA players, hedge fund manager’s…

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Parshas Shelach 5783

Parshat Shlach 5783

Parshas Shlach This week’s Torah portion’s concluding paragraph (Numbers 15:37-41) commands us to affix tzizit (“fringes”)to most four-cornered garments that men wear. The commandment is fulfilled by wearing theטלית קטן , a “small tallit,” or what we call tzizit or…

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Wanna Go Sharkriding with Me?
Parshas Beha’aloscha 5783

Hello Everybody, There are two kinds of people in the world: People who live to do any stunt that will take them close enough to death that they can run their fingers through its hair, and people who like to…

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Parshas Beha’aloscha 5783