Name Brands Make it Better
Parshas Beshalach 5784

Do you know any one who fancies themselves a connoisseur? Do they feel they are an aficionado, cognizant of the essential differences between designer garb and inferior everyday clothing? Or perhaps they consider themselves true gourmands, people who know how…

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Parshas Beshalach 5784

Defining Deepwater Drilling Dangers!
Parshat Beshalach 5783

Under the soil in southern Louisiana are mountains of salt the size of Mt Everest. When Hashem was creating the many miracles of creation, one of them was that the land beneath our feet would always be shifting and churning,…

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Parshat Beshalach 5783

Parshat Beshalach 5783

Beshalach תשפ"ג To Take or Not to Take; that is the Question! When our forefather Avraham Avivu was seventy years old, at the ברית בין הבתרים  - the Covenant of the Pieces, Hashem told him (Genesis 15:13-14) that his grandchildren would be slaves…

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Parshat Beshalach 5872

Parshat Beshalach תשפב This Shabbat, on which we read the Torah portion ofבשלח  (Beshalach), is called  שבת שירה  (Shabbat Shira),the “Shabbat of the Song,” because this sedra (portion) contains the song that the Jewish people sang to Hashem in appreciation for the salvation that they experienced from…

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Did you feel the Vortex?
Parshat Beshalach

If you want to have a great family experience with inordinate amounts of fun for children, you might want to head on down to Disneyworld. Each year, in non-COVID times, fifty two million people, mostly families with small children, visit…

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Parshat Beshalach