PETA and the Super Bowl…
Parshat Yisro 5783

"I do agree with a lot of the core beliefs of PETA," I exclaimed as I cut myself another piece of succulent roast beef, pausing only to dip it in béarnaise sause before eating it with gusto. My guest looked…

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Parshat Yisro 5783

Defining Deepwater Drilling Dangers!
Parshat Beshalach 5783

Under the soil in southern Louisiana are mountains of salt the size of Mt Everest. When Hashem was creating the many miracles of creation, one of them was that the land beneath our feet would always be shifting and churning,…

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Parshat Beshalach 5783

The Rebel Zoo
Parshat Va’era 5783

There are zoos, and there are animal parks. Zoos are built in large metropolitan areas, animal parks rise up in the deep country. Zoos have concrete pathways, food courts, and train rides, animal parks have dirt paths, food trucks, and…

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Parshat Va’era 5783

The Library of You 
Parshat Vayechi 5783

I used to think that the entire California was one big meeting ground for urbane, progressive sophisticates, the type that ate braised youngberry frites, used venti as a vocabulary word, or listened to world fusion music while drinking organic wheatgrass martinis. While…

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Parshat Vayechi 5783