Parshat Bo 5781
Parshat Bo תשפא This week’s portion, בא – Bo, describes Hashem’s last three plagues brought on the Egyptians and the Jews’ exodus from Egypt. The tenth plague, מכת בכורות, the killing of the first born, was the straw that broke…
Mechanical Turks on the rise…
Parshat Va’eira 5781
There are many things computer chips can do better than me, and I embrace it. They calculate better than I do, they find disease patterns for the CDC by culling meta-data, they control traffic lights of entire cities better than…
Parshat Shemot 5781
Parshas Shemos A New Book Begins: What’s the book called? We finished the book of Genesis and are embarking on the second book of the Torah; The Book of Exodus. In this book, we encounter the first era of persecution…
A hero we can learn from…
Vayakel-Pekudei 5780
As we all hunker down in our homes, a steady stream of both funny and scary memes making their way across our phones and computers, I thought we would do something a little different for the Shabbos email. In…
Parshat Vayakhel Pekudei 5780
Parshat Vayakhel Pekudei תשפ Although we read about the sin of the Golden Calf in last week’s Torah portion, Ki Tisah, because it is the subject of so much misunderstanding, we should look at the events through the eyes of…
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