Did you feel the Vortex?
Parshat Beshalach

If you want to have a great family experience with inordinate amounts of fun for children, you might want to head on down to Disneyworld. Each year, in non-COVID times, fifty two million people, mostly families with small children, visit…

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Parshat Beshalach

Parshat Beshalach 5781

Parshat Beshalach This Shabbat, parashatבשלח  (Beshalach), is called  שבת שירה  (Shabbat Shira), the Shabbat of the Song, because it contains the song that the Jewish people sang to Hashem in appreciation of their salvation from the pursuing Egyptian army at…

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Even Death Couldn’t Stop Him…
Parshat Bo 5781

Hello Everybody, The events below are true, as reported by the New York Times. (Some people would find that line an oxymoron.) What do you do? Uncle Virg is dead. And just one day before his Social Security check is…

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Parshat Bo 5781

Mechanical Turks on the rise…
Parshat Va’eira 5781

There are many things computer chips can do better than me, and I embrace it. They calculate better than I do, they find disease patterns for the CDC by culling meta-data, they control traffic lights of entire cities better than…

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Parshat Va’eira 5781