Yesterday I was Sent to Prison…Mikeitz/Chanukah 5777

Yesterday, I was sent to prison. Not by the judicial system, but by the Aleph Institute, a phenomenal organization that looks after the spiritual and physical needs of a number of isolated populations, most notably: the incarcerated, the military, and…

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Bill Gates is a Small Fish in This Pond…Chayei Sara 5777

If you think that Bill Gates is rich, you are right. Bill is described as the wealthiest man alive, with his net worth being valued at $85 Billion. But Bill is far from the wealthiest man in modern history, that…

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You Need to use the Power of the Dark Side… Beraishit 5777

Dr. Shmuel Gillis was a respected hematologist, loving father of five children ages three to thirteen, loyal IDF reservist, and doting husband, but even more, he was the Dr. most beloved by his community of Carmei Tzur, in the Gush…

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