Let Them Drink Pumpkin Spice Latte…Vayetzei 5778

“Let them eat cake!” Allegedly uttered by the young Queen Marie Antoinette of France, those infamous words are considered to be the penultimate example of willful naiveté, apathy, and economic hubris all wrapped into one succinct package. It didn’t bode…

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The United Nations on My Table….Vayera 5778

“Mommy,” calls my six year old as she heads down the stairs, “What’s for dinner?” Evidently, a few seconds of foreknowledge makes all the difference when it comes to the dinner menu. “Lasagna, salad, and fresh fruit,” calls back my…

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More Dangerous than a Nuclear Weapon, More Common than Pumpkin Spice Latte…Lech Lecha 5778

Little Boy, the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima, used one hundred and forty one pounds of enriched uranium to produce its big bang. With improved technology, today’s nuclear bombs can be created with thirty five pounds of Uranium-235 or even…

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