Parshat Zachor 5778

Parshat Zachor The month of Adar has begun, and we are commanded to increase our happiness! As stated in the Talmud: תלמוד בבלי מסכת תענית דף כט/א אמר רב יהודה בריה דרב שמואל בר שילת משמיה דרב  משנכנס אדר מרבין…

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Parshat Shlach

Parshas Shlach The last paragraph of this weeks Torah portion, contains the commandment to put tzitzit on any four-cornered garment that we wear. We fulfill this mitzvah by wearing a Talit when we pray shacharit the morning prayer, and by…

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The War in Washington

Some would almost call it a lobbyist hobby, arguing over the best restaurants in DC. When you take people out for breakfast lunch and dinner, food becomes a pretty obsessive topic of conversation. Young lobbyists can spend hours discussing who…

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Better In or Better Out?

In Wallens Ridge State Prison, people who admitted their guilt were about as rare as fur traders at PETA rallies, but most people seemed to believe Joe “Shifty” Cullen’s protestations of innocence. He would admit to sneaking into an Alexandria,…

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