Acharei Mot -Kedoshim 5781

Acharei Mot -Kedoshim תשפא This coming Shabbath we will read the two Torah portions of אחרי מות  and קדושים. In the second portion, Kedoshim, the Torah adjures us (Leviticus 19:18): (יח) לֹא תִקֹּם וְלֹא תִטֹּר אֶת בְּנֵי עַמֶּךָ וְאָהַבְתָּ לְרֵעֲךָ…

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Tazriah – Metzorah 5781

Tazriah - Metzorah תשפא This week’s Torah portions are replete with references to the concepts of טומאה  - tumah and טהרה  – tahara, what we call “spiritually unclean and spiritually clean.” These concepts have no parallel in the secular world,…

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Sefirat Haomer 5781

Sefirat Haomer – The Counting of the Omer When the Holy Temple stood, a daily sacrifice was brought every morning and evening. Our current morning prayer, שחרית  - Shacharit, corresponds to, and substitutes for, that morning sacrifice, and מנחה  -…

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