This coming Shabbat we begin the Torah’s second book, Shemot. After just a few verses, we learn of Levi’s death at age 137. This noteworthy “statistic” had extraordinary significance, for it marked the beginning of our slavery in Egypt. As long as any of Yaakov’s children remained alive, servitude could not begin. And when it
Rosh Chodesh Lecture Series | Mrs. Sara Aliza Scheinberg Print this article
Yaakov Avinu, the last of the Patriarchs, is at the end of his life. Yet before he leaves this world, he must charge the next generation with their mission to carry forward their illustrious family’s legacy, that of, Avraham, Yitzchak, and himself. His twelve sons comprise the complete spectrum of qualities necessary to found the
The three part series we are embarking on, The Story of Money, is a repeat, it first came out in 2020. While it is a fascinating story, we certainly can’t cover it all in one week, so we’re going to start this week, and have further installments in the next two weeks, so please do
The History of Money Part I<br>Parshas Vayigash 5785
The three part series we are embarking on, The Story of Money, is a repeat, it first came out in 2020. While it is a fascinating story, we certainly can’t cover it all in one week, so we’re going to
Do You Feel Lonely Sometimes?<br>Parshas Vayeshev 5785
lonely adjectivelone·ly | \ˈlōn-lē \ Definition of lonely 1a: being without company 1b: cut off from others 2: not frequented by human beings 3: sad from being alone 4: producing a feeling of bleakness or desolation From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary