Science and Religion Together Forever!
Parshat Va’eira 5780
We have been conditioned to believe that there is an inherent conflict between science and religion and that one has to choose between being a Man of Science or a Man of God. We see it in lawsuits launched by…
Parshat Va’eira 5780
Parshat Va’eira תש"פ When HaShem appeared to Moshe at the Burning Bush, and Moshe responded that the people would not believe that HaShem had really appeared to him, HaShem gave Moshe three miracles to perform to convince the people. The…
Parshat Va’eira 5779
Parshat Vaera תשעט Moshe precisely followed Hashem’s instructions, yet things seemed to have backfired: Instead of Pharaoh listening to Moshe to release the Jewish people, Pharoah increased their work load. The Jewish slaves would now have to procure their own…
Parshat Va’eira 5778
Parshat Va'eira When Hashem appeared to Moshe at the burning bush, and Moshe responded that the people would not believe that Hashem had really appeared to him, Hashem gave Moshe three miracles to perform to convince the Jewish people. The…
You have Just Won a Free Trip to the Bahamas! Vaera 5778
I want to become a hacker. Not because I want to furrow into your bank account and steal your retirement funds, not because I want to steal your Social Security number, open myself a bunch of credit cards, and go…
The Tiger Bared its Teeth at Me and Roared….Vaera 5777
There are zoos, and there are animal parks. Zoos are built in large metropolitan areas, animal parks rise up in the deep country. Zoos have concrete pathways, food courts, and train rides, animal parks have dirt paths, food trucks, and…
Va’era 5776
There are many things computer chips can do better than me, and I embrace it. They calculate better than I do, they find disease patterns for the CDC by culling meta-data, they control traffic lights of entire cities better than…