Parshas Terumah 5785

The Mishkan (Tabernacle) - the portable sanctuary that accompanied the Jewish people during their 40-year trek in the wilderness - was built with the donations of the Jewish people who donated all of the necessary building materials. The Torah tells…

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Parshas Teruma 5784

Teruma תשפד           Moshe descended Mount Sinai with the second set of tablets engraved with the Ten Commandments on the first Yom Kippur after the Jews came out of Egypt. The next day, Moshe commanded the people to bring their…

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Parshat Teruma 5783

Teruma תשפג  The following ideas were taken from The ,שפתי חיים  Rabbi Chaim Friedlander זצ"ל.             Before creating Adam, Hashem consulted with the angels. Since man is the purpose of creation, and the angels were created to serve him, Hashem included them in the decision. …

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Parshat Teruma 5782

Teruma תשפב             Moshe descended Mount Sinai with the second set of tablets, engraved with the Ten Commandments, on the first Yom Kippur after the Jews came out of Egypt. The next day, Moshe commanded the people to bring their donations for…

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