I’d Like to Introduce You to Your Chauffeur…Terumah 5777

I’d like to introduce you to your chauffer for the day. His name is Mobli, and he comes from Israel. Unlike most Israeli drivers you may have had the pleasure of experiencing, he is very quiet, and he drives quite…

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This email is very very terrific! Everyone loves it! Yitro 5777

Disclaimer: The views presented in the next three sections are not the views of the writer, his employers, or anyone he ever met. They are merely fictional and were created for the sole purpose of bringing out a point. “Talking…

Continue ReadingThis email is very very terrific! Everyone loves it! Yitro 5777

Five million people worked to give you this…. – Parshas Vayakhel 5776

Lying on my kitchen counter is an instrument that was produced by the hard work of over five million men and women. A marvel of international cooperation, its components come from dozens of countries. It is one of the most…

Continue ReadingFive million people worked to give you this…. – Parshas Vayakhel 5776