Parshat Noach 5779
Parshat Noach תשע"ט When introducing us to Noach, Hashem is careful to tell us that Noach is a צדיק - a completely righteous person. This portion begins (Genesis 6:9) ספר בראשית פרק ו ט) אֵלֶּה תּוֹלְדֹת נֹחַ נֹחַ אִישׁ צַדִּיק…
Parshat Noach תשע"ט When introducing us to Noach, Hashem is careful to tell us that Noach is a צדיק - a completely righteous person. This portion begins (Genesis 6:9) ספר בראשית פרק ו ט) אֵלֶּה תּוֹלְדֹת נֹחַ נֹחַ אִישׁ צַדִּיק…
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Just five miles east of the I-75 is the medieval era. Get off the highway, pass through a generic town or two, drive through some cornfields, and make a left turn into the 1500’s. It’s not always there, only at…
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