Sorry, but You are so Pavlovian!
Parshat Vaetchanan

Do you know anyone who fancies himself a connoisseur? Do they feel they are an aficionado, cognizant of the essential differences between designer garb and inferior clothing? Or perhaps they consider themselves true gourmands, people who know how to appreciate…

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Parshat Vaetchanan

Parshat Vaetchanan 5778

Parshat Vaetchanan                 This week’s portion, ואתחנן  - Vaetchanan, which means “and I implored,” seems to begin in the middle of nowhere. Following the description in the end of the previous portion of how the Jewish people decimated the two…

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The Palace That Lies Empty
Parshat Devarim/Tisha B’Av 5778

The King, the kind, benevolent monarch, ruled well for years, but around him hung the gloom of childlessness. He would have no one upon whom to bequeath his mantle of leadership. Everything he built would be for naught. There would…

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Parshat Devarim/Tisha B’Av 5778