Parshat Chukat 5780
Parshat Chukat תשפ This week’s Torah reading is the double portion of Chukat and Balak. This essay, however, discusses only Chukat, the literal translation of which is “the edict of,” and, in context, “This is the edictחק) ) of the…
Kellog vs Post: The History of the Great Cereal War
Korach 5780
To say that the Kellogg family grew up in austerity would be an understatement on par with saying that surgery without anesthesia might tingle a bit. As strict Seventh Day Adventists, the Kellogg family believed that indulging in any luxuries…
Parshat Korach 5780
Parshat Korach This week’s Torah portion is named for Korach, the great and holy man who fomented a rebellion against Moshe. Although Jewish history characterizes Korach as the example of one who created a rebellion for his own selfish reasons,…
Evil is as Knievel Does…
Behaalotcha 5780
There are two kinds of people in the world: People who live to do any stunt that will take them close enough to death that they can run their fingers through its hair, and people who like to watch them…
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