Chana-The Power of a Woman’s Prayer
Reflections | Mrs. Sara Aliza Scheinberg
Shevat: Avinu Malkeinu- Our Father Our King
RCLS| Dr. Helene Shapero
Israel At War
Israel at War: Source Sheet Rabbi Leiby Burnham - November 2, 2023 Source #1: 65% of Americans support Israel in this conflict Overall, 65% said the U.S. should support Israel publicly. That was true of big majorities of both parties…
Let There Be Light
Parshas Bereishis 5784
This week has been an overwhelming week for the Jewish people. From the devastation and anguish of witnessing the most horrific attack on our people since the Holocaust, to seeing so many around the world celebrate the pain of our…
The Shabbos Amida: Praying as an Individual and as a Community on these Special Days
Mondays with Meaning | Mrs. Sara Aliza Scheinberg