We don’t need those keys…
 Parshat Devorim- Tisha B’av 5782

The following story is true, however the names and details have been fictionalized to bring out the story. The pounding in Shlomo’s head wouldn’t stop, but it was easily drowned out by the pain in his heart. The city lie…

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 Parshat Devorim- Tisha B’av 5782

Tisha B’Av 5782

 Tisha B’av תשפ"ב             Next Sunday, August 7, the Jewish people will observe Tisha B’av - the 9th of Av, a fast day. On this date many years ago, both Holy Temples were destroyed. Throughout history, other cataclysmic events also occurred on that…

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My brain made me do it…
Bamidbar / Shavuot 5782

This essay relies heavily on the information contained in an article from The Atlantic, written by Stephen Cave, and found in the June 2016 issue.  David walked out of Professor Smilansky’s lecture hall, and felt like he had just won…

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Bamidbar / Shavuot 5782