What keeps bankers up at night… 
Parshat Vayelech- Yom Kippur

Let’s face an uncomfortable fact; your information is out there. Your name, date of birth, social security number, address, and probably some of your credit card numbers. The fifteen largest hacks of the 21st century compromised over 4.5 billion accounts in…

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Parshat Vayelech- Yom Kippur

I think I know what the world needs… 
Parshat Nitzavim – Rosh Hashana 5782

Much of the information in this article was gleaned from an article by PBS Health on May 15, 2015 Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis may go down in history as the most frustrated and frustrating doctor in history, but he certainly will…

Continue ReadingI think I know what the world needs… 
Parshat Nitzavim – Rosh Hashana 5782