Four Cups, Four Sons, Four Questions, Four Classes: Part 4
Thursday Lunch and Learn | Rabbi Leiby Burnham
Thursday Lunch and Learn | Rabbi Leiby Burnham
It all started with carpal tunnel. In the modern world, where more people spend their days typing on a keyboard than wielding a hammer or ax, our bodies are being subjected to pressures and repetitive motions that they are not…
Pesach תשפ"ג The Jews are finally out of Egypt. Hashem has delivered the knockout punch to Pharaoh by killing every first born, and Pharaoh threw the Jews out of Egypt. This chapter in Jewish history, viz, the slavery and the process of…
Due to the Pre-Pesach busyness, I’m sending out a repeat this week. And while it was written long ago, the message still rings true and clear, so I hope you enjoy! Have a Great Shabbos! Grapes are pretty cool. Small…
Thursday Lunch and Learn | Rabbi Leiby Burnham
Parshat Vayikra תשפ"ג This week we begin the third book of the Torah, ויקרא (Leviticus). Another name for this book is תורת כהנים, (the Laws for the Kohanim), because most of it deals with the laws of the service in the Tabernacle, the domain…
Hello Everybody, Basam settled into his seat at the back of the auditorium. Professor Steven's Constitutional Law course was one of the most popular classes offered, and even after the optional in person policy the auditorium was usually packed, which…
Foundations | Mrs. Shaindel Fink