Parshat Shemot 5783

Shemot תשפג              This coming Shabbat we begin reading the second book of the Torah, Sefer Shemot, the book of Exodus. The רמב"ן (Ramban) Nachmanides, calls this second book ספר הגאולה - “The Book of Redemption.” Despite Moshe and Aharon receiving most of the attention (along with Hashem!) for freeing…

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The Library of You 
Parshat Vayechi 5783

I used to think that the entire California was one big meeting ground for urbane, progressive sophisticates, the type that ate braised youngberry frites, used venti as a vocabulary word, or listened to world fusion music while drinking organic wheatgrass martinis. While…

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Parshat Vayechi 5783

Do you think you are better than others? 
Parshat Vayigash 5783

Sandra never knew freedom. She was born in captivity into a group of people that treated her like an animal, keeping her in a cage, and feeding her not much more than bottles of milk and vegetable scraps. Being caged…

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Parshat Vayigash 5783

Parshat Vayigash 5783

Vayigash תשפג             After sitting in prison for 12 years, Yosef was suddenly called up to interpret Pharaoh’s two disturbing dreams. Yosef accurately interpreted the dreams, which warned Pharaoh of an impending 7-year famine that would wipe out all life in Egypt…

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