Parshat Chukat – Balak 5783

Parshat Chukat – Balak תשפג This week we will read two portions, Chukat and Balak. In Chukat, the Torah relates the incident for which Moshe and Aharon were punished by not being permitted to enter the promised land, Israel.                …

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Don’t Be Average
Parshas Shelach 5783

Hello Everybody, Above Average; n., adj., The state of being better than usual, something that is functioning at a higher rate of performance than similar things at a similar time, an unexpected level of success, Harvard students, NBA players, hedge fund manager’s…

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Parshas Shelach 5783

Parshat Shlach 5783

Parshas Shlach This week’s Torah portion’s concluding paragraph (Numbers 15:37-41) commands us to affix tzizit (“fringes”)to most four-cornered garments that men wear. The commandment is fulfilled by wearing theטלית קטן , a “small tallit,” or what we call tzizit or…

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Wanna Go Sharkriding with Me?
Parshas Beha’aloscha 5783

Hello Everybody, There are two kinds of people in the world: People who live to do any stunt that will take them close enough to death that they can run their fingers through its hair, and people who like to…

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Parshas Beha’aloscha 5783

Parshat Beha’alotcha 5578

Beha'alotcha תשפ"ג                 On the night of the 15th of Nissan, Passover night, 3,335 years ago, the Jewish people fulfilled the mitzva of eating matza for the first time at the seder. After eating the afikomen (dessert - a piece…

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Chai, Chess, and Moonshine
Parshas Naso 5783

India is a vast and complicated country. Its 1.4 billion citizens, the world’s largest population, are spread out over 1.2 million square miles, with terrains ranging from the Himalayan Mountains, to the Indian Ocean coastline, the Thar Desert, the rainforests…

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Parshas Naso 5783