You’ve been invaded
Parshas Devarim – Tisha Ba’av

Some states, like California or Texas, seem to have it all; glamour, big business, large populations, beautiful nature, national and international recognition, and lots of things to do. Other states, like Iowa or Idaho, seem to have none of it,…

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Parshas Devarim – Tisha Ba’av

Parshat Matos – Masei 5783

Parshat Matos – Masei תשפ"ג                 This week we conclude the book of Numbers, which chronicles the travels and events as the Jewish nation journeyed from Egypt to the edge of the promised land, Israel. Aharon and Miriam have already…

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Lose 99% of Your Weight Without Changing Your Diet!!!
Parshas Chukus – Balak

The science in this essay is mostly based on the information found in the book “We have no idea: a guide to the unknown universe,” by  Jorge Cham and Daniel Whiteson. The book is high on my recommended reading list in…

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Parshas Chukus – Balak