Parshat Bo 5781

Parshat Bo תשפא This week’s portion, בא – Bo, describes Hashem’s last three plagues brought on the Egyptians and the Jews’ exodus from Egypt. The tenth plague, מכת בכורות, the killing of the first born, was the straw that broke…

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Parshat Shemot 5781

Parshas Shemos A New Book Begins:  What’s the book called? We finished the book of Genesis and are embarking on the second book of the Torah; The Book of Exodus.  In this book, we encounter the first era of persecution…

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Parshat Veyechi 5781

Parshat Vayechi תשפא I heard this lesson from my Rebbe, Harav Moshe Shapiroזצ"ל , who heard it from his Rebbe, Rav Elyiahu Dessler זצ"ל. This week’s portion, Vayechi, is the last chapter in the book of Bereshit – Genesis. It…

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Vayigash 5781

Vayigash תשפא After sitting in prison for 12 years, Yosef was suddenly called up to interpret Pharaoh’s two disturbing dreams. Yosef accurately interpreted the dreams, which warned Pharaoh of an impending 7-year famine that would wipe out all life in…

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