Four Cups, Four Sons, Four Questions, Four Classes Part 3
Thursday Lunch and Learn | Rabbi Leiby Burnham
Thursday Lunch and Learn | Rabbi Leiby Burnham
Hello Everybody, Basam settled into his seat at the back of the auditorium. Professor Steven's Constitutional Law course was one of the most popular classes offered, and even after the optional in person policy the auditorium was usually packed, which…
Thursday Lunch and Learn | Rabbi Leiby Burnham
Thursday Lunch and Learn | Rabbi Leiby Burnham
It was a gruesome way to die. The convulsions, vomiting, exhaustion, and gasping for breath lasted only a few hours, and then Thendara “Jagger” Satisfaction softly exhaled for the last time. His death would rock the world; the headlines screaming…
Aziza al Tahmimi’s father had always told her that life wasn’t meant to be fair, and he sure got that one right. In November of 2013, he became a martyr by blowing himself up in the Central Bus Station in…
Thursday Lunch and Learn | Rabbi Leiby Burnham
Hello Everybody, It was on the first morning of my snowboarding trip, at about 8:30 AM that I realized I need some more stretching in my life. I was sitting on the floor with Kenny, a ski/ snowboard instructor, preparing…
Thursday Lunch and Learn | Rabbi Leiby Burnham
Why did you give my child a C+? I’m sorry, I’m not sure who you are? I’m Mrs. X and you gave my child a C+ as his final grade, why? Oh, nice to meet you Mrs. X. I gave your…