We Didn’t Start the Fire… Devarim and Tisha Ba’av 5776

The following story is true, however the names and details have been fictionalized to bring out the story. The pounding in Shlomo’s head wouldn’t stop, but it was easily drowned out by the pain in his heart. The city lie…

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Let’s Talk Trash for a Minute… Matos-Masei 5776

Let’s talk trash for a moment. It’s one of the few things that American do exceptionally well. The world will throw out 2.6 trillion pounds of garbage this year (here’s a visual to help you grasp that: 2,600,000,000,000 pounds!), and…

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I’m Going to Build a Wall… – Pinchas 5776

For ten years, one million men did nothing but eat, drink, sleep, and lay bricks. Brick after backbreaking brick, mile after backbreaking mile, the million-man workforce built a wall like the world had never seen before. Up mountains, along rivers,…

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