Parshat Lech Lecha 5780

Parshat Lech Lecha תש"פ In this week's portion, we are introduced to Avraham Avinu, Avraham our forefather. Maimonides writes: רמב"ם הלכות עבודה זרה פרק א א כיון שנגמל איתן זה התחיל לשוטט בדעתו והוא קטן והתחיל לחשוב ביום ובלילה והיה…

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Parshat Noach 5780

Parshat Noach תש"פ Rashi commenced his Torah Commentary last week in Parshat Bereishit with Rabbi Yitzchak’s famous question: Why did HaShem begin the Torah with a description of Creation? If the Torah’s purpose is to convey to humanity its obligations…

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Rosh Hashanah 5780

Rosh HaShanah תש"פ Every Jewish holiday has its unique theme. Shabbat’s theme focuses on the Seven Days of Creation. Pesach focuses on the Jewish nation’s exodus from Egypt and its birth as a nation, and Shavuot focuses on receiving the…

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Parshat Ki Tavo 5779

Ki Tavo תשע"ט In the glorious days of the Holy Temple, every week, in cities all over the Land of Israel, one of the twenty-four families of Kohanim, and the Levites assigned to them, would meet to travel together to…

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Parshat Shoftim 5779

Parshat Shoftim תשע"ט “Good fences make good neighbors,” goes the saying. When boundaries and limitations are visible and clearly defined, it is easy to respect others’ property. People run into trouble when it is unclear to them where their domain…

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Parshat Re’eh 5779

Parshat Re’eh תשע"ט This week’s portion, "ראה" starts with a bang. Moshe tells the Jewish people in the name of HaShem (Deuteronomy 11:26): "רְאֵה אָנֹכִי נֹתֵן לִפְנֵיכֶם הַיּוֹם בְּרָכָה וּקְלָלָה" “Look! I am placing before you today blessing and curse!”…

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Parshat Vaetchanan 5779

Parshat Vaetchanan תשע"ט                 ואתחנן is the second portion in the last book of the Torah, דברים  - Deuteronomy. The book of Deuteronomy is called משנה תורה, which means a review of the Torah. In this book, Moshe reviews many…

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Tisha B’Av 5779

Tisha B’ Av תשע"ט Last Friday, August 2nd, was Rosh Chodesh Av, the first day of the month of Av. The Code of Jewish Law (551:1) teaches us: א) משנכנס אב ממעטין בשמחה; ובר ישראל דאית ליה דינא בהדי כותי,…

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