Parshat Shekalim 5781

Parshat Shekalim תשפא Although this coming Shabbat is Parshat Zachor with its own special additional Torah reading and is the Shabbat on which we focus how Amalek (including, generations later, his great-great-great grandson, Haman), warred with us and tried to…

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Parshat Yitro 5781

Parshat Yitro תשפא Yitro (in English Jethro), the person for whom this week’s portion is named, should have been the very last person in the world to have a portion in the Holy Torah named for him.  Indeed, not only…

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Parshat Beshalach 5781

Parshat Beshalach This Shabbat, parashatבשלח  (Beshalach), is called  שבת שירה  (Shabbat Shira), the Shabbat of the Song, because it contains the song that the Jewish people sang to Hashem in appreciation of their salvation from the pursuing Egyptian army at…

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Parshat Bo 5781

Parshat Bo תשפא This week’s portion, בא – Bo, describes Hashem’s last three plagues brought on the Egyptians and the Jews’ exodus from Egypt. The tenth plague, מכת בכורות, the killing of the first born, was the straw that broke…

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Parshat Shemot 5781

Parshas Shemos A New Book Begins:  What’s the book called? We finished the book of Genesis and are embarking on the second book of the Torah; The Book of Exodus.  In this book, we encounter the first era of persecution…

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Parshat Veyechi 5781

Parshat Vayechi תשפא I heard this lesson from my Rebbe, Harav Moshe Shapiroזצ"ל , who heard it from his Rebbe, Rav Elyiahu Dessler זצ"ל. This week’s portion, Vayechi, is the last chapter in the book of Bereshit – Genesis. It…

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Vayigash 5781

Vayigash תשפא After sitting in prison for 12 years, Yosef was suddenly called up to interpret Pharaoh’s two disturbing dreams. Yosef accurately interpreted the dreams, which warned Pharaoh of an impending 7-year famine that would wipe out all life in…

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Chanukah II

Chanukah ll תשפא Tonight, Tuesday, December 16, the 1st day of the month (“Rosh Chodesh”) of Tevet, is the sixth night of Chanukah. Jews the world over will be lighting six candles in their menorahs to celebrate the sixth day…

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Chanukah 5781

Chanukah תשפא This coming Thursday night we will light the first Chanukah candle. We will then celebrate Chanukah for eight days, adding a candle each night until there are eight. The Talmud (Shabbat 21b) asks, “מאי חנוכה?” What is Chanukah?…

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