On the last day of the month of Adar some 3,500 years ago, as the first sliver of the new moon signaling the beginning of the new month Nissan appeared, Hashem taught Moshe and Aharon the mitzvah of sanctifying the new month – קידוש החודש – Kiddush HaChodesh (Exodus 12:1 ,2): א) וַיֹּאמֶר יְדֹוָד אֶל
So few days; so many outfits. What will it be today? Should it be the striped dress by Marc Jacobs with the custom Ferragamo heels? Or perhaps the Armani bubble dress with the Jean Paul Gaultier down coat? Then there’s always the casual option, that one piece Dior jumper dress made of vicuna, the softest
Me Time | Mrs. Racheli Indig Print this article
This week’s portion Vayakhel follows on the heels of Parshat Ki Tisa, the portion that relates the story of the golden calf. A brief overview of the events leading up to where we are now will give us a greater understanding of what Vayakhel is about. After Moshe smashed the tablets and dealt with
Encounters | Mrs. Shaindel Fink Print this article
Encounters | Mrs. Dassie Bausk Print this article