I’m Really Uncomfortable…<br>Parshas Pinchas 5784
I’m Really Uncomfortable…<br>Parshas Pinchas 5784

The history of the Jews in Budapest is a bit complicated and tortuous. Like many places in Europe, the Jews were alternatively invited or banished based on the mood and economic desires of the rulers of the time. In 1279, the Jews of Buda (one of three cities eventually united into Budapest) were forced into

Bar B Who?<br>Parshas Balak 5784
Bar B Who?<br>Parshas Balak 5784

Fire burning flesh. It doesn’t sound too appetizing until you think of cooking meat, which follows that exact recipe. And if it’s really good BBQ, it’s probably fire burning flesh really sloooooowly. Growing up, the word BBQ meant cooking hot dogs, burgers, or the occasional steak on a propane gas grill. Today, I’m glad to

Parhas Balak 5784
Parhas Balak 5784

This week’s portion, Balak, introduces us to בלעם  – Bilaam, history’s only legitimate non-Jewish prophet. Although many others claim to have had a prophecy (and, hence, so many religions in the world), they are all impostors, for after Bilaam misused his gift of prophecy, Hashem promised that He would never again allow a gentile prophet.

Mindfulness, Meditation, and Me<br>Parshas Chukas
Mindfulness, Meditation, and Me<br>Parshas Chukas

Everyone knew that Sean Dowd loved yoga, he pretty much lived his life in yoga clothing, consciously screaming of his yoga crush to the whole world. But his closer friends also knew that he loved anything “Eastern and spiritual.” He loved Indian food, Buddhist meditation, Dao mindfulness, veganism, and chai. He loved saffron, cloves, donating

Ruth: Mother of Royalty
Ruth: Mother of Royalty

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Parshas Chukas 5784
Parshas Chukas 5784

This week’s portion, Chukat, relates the incident for which Moshe and Aharon were punished and not permitted to enter the promised land, Israel.               Just as they were about to enter the Land of Israel, the Jewish people’s water supply ran out. But by then, they had been in the desert for 40 years! What

I&#8217;m Really Uncomfortable&#8230;&lt;br>Parshas Pinchas 5784
I’m Really Uncomfortable…<br>Parshas Pinchas 5784
Bar B Who?&lt;br>Parshas Balak 5784
Bar B Who?<br>Parshas Balak 5784
Parhas Balak 5784
Parhas Balak 5784
Mindfulness, Meditation, and Me&lt;br>Parshas Chukas
Mindfulness, Meditation, and Me<br>Parshas Chukas
Ruth: Mother of Royalty
Ruth: Mother of Royalty
Parshas Chukas 5784
Parshas Chukas 5784
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