I Would Love to Write a Book, but…Achrei Mot – Kedoshim 5777

For the past five years, I’ve wanted to write a book. I am not alone. Writing a book is a bucket-list item for hundreds of millions of people; according to one study, 81% of people polled responded that they feel…

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We’re Losing This Battle Right Now…Tazria Metzora 5777

When I was twelve years old, there was nothing I enjoyed more than going to the Shuk Machane Yehuda. The massive indoor/outdoor market in Jerusalem was an assault of sights, sounds, and smells coming from the garbled masses of people…

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The kite that built international trade… Parshat Behar 5776

Trade between countries is a good thing. It enables people in Canada to have freshly squeezed orange juice at their breakfast table, and people in Brazil to have maple syrup at theirs. It has created tens of thousands of jobs…

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