Parshat Yitro 5778
Parshat Yitro The Jewish people left Egypt on a Thursday, the 15th of Nissan. Seven days later they miraculously passed through the Reed Sea. From there they embarked on a 45-day trek to Mount Sinai, where they would forge the…
The Global Elite Playground…Yitro 5778
Davos means a lot of things to a lot of different people. If you are a Chassidic Jew living in Antwerp, Davos is the Swiss summer resort hundreds of European Chassidic families flock to, joined by Jews from all over…
This email is very very terrific! Everyone loves it! Yitro 5777
Disclaimer: The views presented in the next three sections are not the views of the writer, his employers, or anyone he ever met. They are merely fictional and were created for the sole purpose of bringing out a point. “Talking…