Call Me Ishmael… or Better Yet, Call Me Moon Fizz…Vaetchanan 5777

After a raging debate, the Swedish authorities finally agreed to abandon the antiquated rules that had long been causing deep emotional pain to their constituents. The new law gives Swedish parents the rights and freedoms which are granted to almost…

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But He was Just an Untrained Gardener… – Ha’azinu and Sukkos 5777

For most people, the rule of thumb is to stick to what you’re good at. But there are those rare individuals who can’t seem to stick to anything and are good at everything. Joseph Paxton was one of those people,…

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Be a Navy Seal This Yom Kippur…Vayeilech and Yom Kippor 5777

Raise your hand if you believe in nine year old children working 12 hours a day in backbreaking and dangerous conditions? Raise it if you think it’s ok for men to be forced to climb barefoot into deep mines with…

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