Parshat Vaetchanan 5778

Parshat Vaetchanan                 This week’s portion, ואתחנן  - Vaetchanan, which means “and I implored,” seems to begin in the middle of nowhere. Following the description in the end of the previous portion of how the Jewish people decimated the two…

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Parshat Shoftim 5777

Parshat Shoftim In this week’s portion, the Jewish Nation stands poised to enter the land of Israel. It is 2488 years since creation, forty years since leaving Egypt, and receiving the Torah on Mount Sinai. They have completed the forty…

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Parshat Re’eh 5777

Parshat Re’eh I was recently asked, “Rabbi, you say Judaism is the only true religion, and the Christians say that Christianity is and the Moslems say that Islam is the true religion. How do you know you are right?” I…

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Parshat Ekev 5777

Parshat Ekev Ekev is the third portion in the book of Devarim (Deuteronomy), the fifth book of the Torah. This entire book was told to the Jewish people in the last thirty six days of Moshe’s life, with last three…

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