Parshat Veyechi 5781
Parshat Vayechi תשפא I heard this lesson from my Rebbe, Harav Moshe Shapiroזצ"ל , who heard it from his Rebbe, Rav Elyiahu Dessler זצ"ל. This week’s portion, Vayechi, is the last chapter in the book of Bereshit – Genesis. It…
Want Lower Auto Insurance?
Parshat Vayechi 5780
Living in Michigan comes with a lot of benefits. We have abundant fresh water all around us (we’re the only state that touches four of the Great Lakes!), and we have the longest freshwater coastline of any state in the…
Parshat Vayechi 5780
Parshat Vayechi תש"פ When thumbing through the pages of the Chumash, have you ever wondered what the פפפ or ססס at the end of almost every Parshah in the Torah mean? The פ stands for פתוחה,an open paragraph, and the…
Burn Baby, Burn
Parshat Vayechi 5779
It all started with some bad rubber. On July 23rd, a couple was towing their Grey Wolf Select RV trailer down California’s Route 299 when one of the tires blew out. There was nowhere for them to pull off; the…
Parshat Vayechi 5779
Parshat Vayechi תשעט This week’s portion is the portion of blessings. In it, our forefather Yaakov bestows blessings on Yosef’s two sons, Ephriam and Menashe, and on all of his own sons, the 12 Tribes of Israel. As we look…