It’s all About Communication
Parshat Bereishit 5780

There is a time in every baby’s life when they are smart enough to want to communicate with the outside world, but not smart enough to communicate with the outside world. This creates enormously vexing situations. Lil’ baby Numzi wants…

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Parshat Bereishit 5780

The Nuclear Reactor in the Backyard
Parshat Vayigash

Becoming an Eagle Scout, the highest-level Boy Scout, is much like stamp collecting, except that you have to do particular tasks to collect those stamps, or merit badges as they are called in Eagle-speak. There are over a hundred different…

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Parshat Vayigash

The Layaway Angels
Parshat Mikeitz/Chanukah

It doesn’t look like we’ll be having snow angels this Chanukah in our area, but instead we got a different kind of angel, the layaway angel. Like so many good things, layaway angels got their start in the great state…

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Parshat Mikeitz/Chanukah