Parhas Balak 5784

This week’s portion, Balak, introduces us to בלעם  - Bilaam, history’s only legitimate non-Jewish prophet. Although many others claim to have had a prophecy (and, hence, so many religions in the world), they are all impostors, for after Bilaam misused…

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Parshas Chukas 5784

This week’s portion, Chukat, relates the incident for which Moshe and Aharon were punished and not permitted to enter the promised land, Israel.               Just as they were about to enter the Land of Israel, the Jewish people’s water supply…

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Parshas Korach 5784

Korach תשפד                 This week’s portion tells the tragic story of Korach, the man who challenged Moshe’s leadership, claiming that Moshe chose his brother Aharon as Kohen Gadol, the High Priest, out of nepotism, and not because of Hashem’s command…

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Behaalotcha 5784

This week’s Torah reading begins with Hashem instructing Aharon, the High Priest, on how to light the Menorah as part of the daily Tabernacle service. When lighting the Menorah, Aharon had to position both the three wicks on the right…

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