Purim 5782
Purim תשפב Purim is the most festive and happy holiday in the Jewish calendar. It is the only holiday that carries with it an obligation to drink wine to the point that one doesn’t know the difference between “Cursed be Haman”…
Pathways: Make Your Blessings Count
Pathways| Mrs. Racheli Indig
Don’t use a Jackhammer to open a walnut
Parshat Vayikra 5782
I grew up as part of a large family during the final days of the PME. The Pre-Minivan Era, known for station wagons the size of eighteen wheelers, was America’s last attempt to fit growing families into cars by simply…
Adar Beis: Shir Shel Yom- Yom Chamishi
Rosh Chodesh Lecture Series| Dr. Janet Snider
Parshat Zachor 5782
Parshat Zachor תשפ"ב The month of Adar has begun, and we are commanded to increase our happiness! The Talmud says (Taanit 29a): אמר רב יהודה בריה דרב שמואל בר שילת משמיה דרב: משנכנס אדר מרבין בשמחה Rabbi Yehuda the son of Rav…
I’m Desperate for Friends…
Parshat Pekudei 5782
There are three kinds of people in the world. The first are the people who only go places with friends; these are often people who are afraid to be alone, lest they have to meet themselves and get to know…
Parshat Pekudei 5782
Parshat Pekudei תשפ"ב This week’s portion has the Torah tallying the gold, silver, and copper used in the Tabernacle’s construction. But first, the Torah provides a lengthy introduction to the Tabernacle itself (Exodus 38:21,22): ספר שמות פרק לח כא) אֵלֶּה פְקוּדֵי…
The other side of inflation
Parshat Vayakhel 5782
Lying on my kitchen counter is an instrument that was produced by the hard work of over five million men and women. A marvel of international cooperation, its components come from dozens of countries. It is one of the most…
Torah Tuesdays: Perek Shira Chapter 4 Part 3
Torah Tuesdays| Mrs. Racheli Indig
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