The Best and Worst Investment You Can Make… Korach 5778
Lottery tickets are both the worst and best investments a person could possibly make. It is also the only investment where the best outcome is that you lose. On the one hand, giving away $2 for a Powerball ticket that…
Parshat Korach 5778
Parshat Korach תשע"ח This week’s portion details the events of Korach’s rebellion, along with his 253 compatriots, against Moshe and Aharon (Numbers 16:1,2): ספר במדבר פרק טז א) וַיִּקַּח קֹרַח בֶּן יִצְהָר בֶּן קְהָת בֶּן לֵוִי וְדָתָן וַאֲבִירָם בְּנֵי…
Parshat Shlach 5778
Parshat Shlach תשע"ח The Jewish people had been camped at Mount Sinai since the 1st of Sivan. Almost a full year later, on the 20th of Iyar, ten days short of the anniversary of their arrival at Mount Sinai, the…
The Antidote to Boredom…Shlach 5778
If you were to visit the Rainbow Camp in between San Diego and Los Angeles, you would find all the trappings of a women’s spiritual retreat; yoga and meditation sessions, small gardens growing organic vegetables and herbs, and the smell…
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