Parsha Chukat 5781

Parshat Chukat תשפא In this week’s portion’s final two chapters , the Jewish nation is attacked by the world’s two most powerful leaders, Sichon, King of the Emori, and Og, king of Bashan, whom the Jews handily defeat. When the Jewish people merely asked Sichon…

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Can I sell you a bridge with that?
Parshat Korach 5781

No one ever lost money betting on the depths of humanity’s stupidity. Somehow, whenever you think that humanity has hit rock bottom, and that we must evolve into smarter beings in order for our species to survive, some event happens…

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Parshat Korach 5781

Please don’t cut off your feet!
Parshat Baha’alosecha

This week I saw a group of people studiously sawing off their feet… at least metaphorically. I went to my local bank branch about twenty minutes before opening to deposit of a few checks, and right in middle of the…

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Parshat Baha’alosecha