If it’s good enough for the doctors… 
Parshat Veeschanan- Namachu 5782

May 28th is a special day. Exactly two decades ago, that day found me standing under a chuppah; watching my soon-to-be wife walk down the aisle flanked by her parents, and praying intensely that G-d should make our home into one…

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Parshat Veeschanan- Namachu 5782

Vaetchanan 5782

Vaetchanan תשפב             The Talmud (Makot 23b) teaches us that Hashem gave the Jewish people 613 מצות - commandments.  דרש רבי שמלאי שש מאות ושלש עשרה מצות נאמרו לו למשה ...אמר רב המנונא מאי קרא תורה צוה לנו משה מורשה תורה בגימטריא שית מאה…

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Tisha B’Av 5782

 Tisha B’av תשפ"ב             Next Sunday, August 7, the Jewish people will observe Tisha B’av - the 9th of Av, a fast day. On this date many years ago, both Holy Temples were destroyed. Throughout history, other cataclysmic events also occurred on that…

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Please keep this secret from your spouse… 
Parsha Matos – Masei 5782

I’m pretty confident that you’ve never heard of the 9 Nanas; they worked hard to keep it that way. For thirty years, the 9 Nanas, a group of women near Memphis, TN, would get up at 4AM, and sneak out…

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Parsha Matos – Masei 5782

Who’s the real villain here? 
Parshat Pinchas 5782

In 2021, more people migrated out of New York State than any other state in the union. And it was not all people leaving Flatbush for Tom’s River to be closer to the grandchildren and have more lawn. Many people…

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Parshat Pinchas 5782