Sage Advice: The Role of a Spiritual Mentor
Foundations | Mrs. Racheli Indig
Foundations | Mrs. Racheli Indig
Foundations | Mrs. Dassie Bausk
Mondays with Meaning | Mrs. Racheli Indig
Mondays with Meaning | Mrs. Racheli Indig
Tazriah – Metzorah תשפג This coming Shabbat, two portions will be read in Shul. The main topic of these two portions is the “metzorah,” one who is stricken with the malady -צרעת “tzaraat” (or tzaraas). The usual translation of tzaraat is leprosy, a translation that…
Thursday Lunch and Learn | Rabbi Leiby Burnham
It all started with carpal tunnel. In the modern world, where more people spend their days typing on a keyboard than wielding a hammer or ax, our bodies are being subjected to pressures and repetitive motions that they are not…
Pesach תשפ"ג The Jews are finally out of Egypt. Hashem has delivered the knockout punch to Pharaoh by killing every first born, and Pharaoh threw the Jews out of Egypt. This chapter in Jewish history, viz, the slavery and the process of…