Parshat Yitro 5782

Parshat Yitro The Jewish people left Egypt on a Thursday, the 15th of Nissan. Seven days later they miraculously passed through the Reed Sea. From there they embarked on a 45-day trek to Mount Sinai, where they would forge the next…

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Parshat Beshalach 5872

Parshat Beshalach תשפב This Shabbat, on which we read the Torah portion ofבשלח  (Beshalach), is called  שבת שירה  (Shabbat Shira),the “Shabbat of the Song,” because this sedra (portion) contains the song that the Jewish people sang to Hashem in appreciation for the salvation that they experienced from…

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Parshat Bo 5782

Parshat Bo תשפב             On Rosh Hashanah this year, the Jewish calendar year changed from 5781 to 5782 (Rosh Hashanah means the “head of the year” or the beginning of the new year.) This number represents the years that have passed since…

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